About the Journal
Studi lockiani is an annual scholarly journal devoted to research on the life, work, and heritage of John Locke (1632-1704). The journal is available both online and in print.
The Journal is composed of three sections: Essays, Notes and Debates, and Reviews. Each volume contains 7 to 10 articles. Issues are generally themed. A yearly call for papers announces the theme and the start for submissions.
Authors can submit their proposals via the journal website. All submissions will undergo a double-blind peer-review process and will be published only after referees’ final approval.
The journal provides a forum for the discussion of the English philosopher John Locke’s ideas and of the theories of authors who influenced him (e.g. Hooker, Descartes, Hobbes, Boyle, Spinoza, Malebranche, Arnauld, Pascal, Cudworth, More, Newton, Shaftesbury) or who were engaged with his thought (e.g. Stillingfleet, Butler, Clarke, Damaris Cudworth, Norris, Astell, Leibniz, Toland, Collins, Clarke, Hume, Reid, Voltaire). The objective of this journal is to reconstruct the crucial aspects of Locke’s thought on a vast range of subjects in different fields (e.g. morals, politics, physics, medicine, epistemology, metaphysics, theology, education, ars excerpendi, travel). The journal aims to encourage dialogue between Italian as well as foreign scholars about the originality, sources, and legacy of Locke’s ideas.
The journal is indexed on ERIH PLUS