La sfida della tutela in ambito urbano. Archeologia nel centro storico di Tarquinia


  • Beatrice Casocavallo Ministero della Cultura, Soprintendenza Archeologia Belle Arti e Paesaggio per la Provincia di Viterbo e per l’Etruria meridionale


Parole chiave:

Tarquinia, Corneto, medieval archaeology, urban archaeology, Middle Ages


The contribution traces the work done together with Maria Cataldi in the difficult work of protecting a historic center like that of Tarquinia. The work carried out for 30 years by Mariolina as official archaeologist responsible for Tarquinia
has seen me involved, in the last 20 years in the research and protection of emergencies in the historic center of the city. Some important interventions have highlighted what is still hidden in the subsoil. The effort is understand
as much as possible from all the investigations, with all the problems that the protection in an urban center must also deal with what is the life of the center itself.





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